Friday afternoon Tilley and I headed to Spednic Lake. I thought I remembered how to get there but an hour later I was back home asking for directions. We headed out again and this time we found I found it without a problem. Upon arriving we found out that Spednic Lake was no longer free. It was $10 for a tent, $15.00 for a camper plus $5 for each extra tent, and $5 for parking for overnight use of the lake. The campground was crowded, so I decided to canoe over to one of the islands for the night.

I had never seen the water level Spednic Lake so high.

I spent an hour and a half looking for a campsite but, every one we came to was full.

Finally we arrived ate the main campground, paid the extra $5, settled down in the back of the van and went to sleep.

At 4:00 we were on the lake again.

We headed to Diggity Cove for the sunrise.

Tilley has seemed a little sick after the previous nights canoe trip, but I thought it had to do with the waves on the main lake. I figured she would be fine on the calm river. However after only a half hour of canoing she sounded like she was going to throw up. I decided to go back to the campground and abandon the idea of a canoe trip.
After leaving the campground we drove to a bridge up river to watch the sunrise.
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