Greenlaw Mountain Porcupines & Table Top Sunset, Saturday, July 11, 2009
Saturday evening Tilley and I headed to Greenlaw Mountain. Our plan was to park the work van at the bottom of the mountain. Hike to the top to watch the sunset. Spent the night in the van. And hike back to the to to watch the sunrise.
After parking the van, we started our hike up the mountain.
As we neared the top we noticed a mother Porcupine and two babies. I quickly grabbed Tilley's collar before she could investigate them further. After putting on her leash, we headed down the mountain.
Because of the porcupines, I decided to watch the sunset from tabletop.
We followed the Valley trail. Till we came to Simon's Pool.
We continued to follow the Valley Trail till we came to Mamie's Pool.
We then turned up pine Needle Trail.
We continued to follow Pine Needle trail till we came to the Upper loop trail.
We followed the Upper Loop Trail to table top.
We soon had company.
Tilley was exited to see the dog, but wasn't so sure about the master.
They soon became friends.
After the visitors left, I took another picture of the sunset before cooking super.
After super, I took more pictures of the sunset.
After a long weekend, Tilley decided it was time for a rest.
Around 9:30 we started down the mountain.
We arrived back at the van at 9:45. After driving to the bottom of the mountain, settled in the back of the van for the night. Sunday morning it was raining, so we headed home.
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