Sunday evening Andrew, Dad, Tilley and I headed to the Table Top to watch the sunset. Andrew, Dad and Tilley went in the work van, while I took the white van since we planed on dropping the work van off a Dr. Cleghorn's Auto Clinic on the way home. We parked the vans on the side of the road, and started up the Valley Trail, towards Table Top.

When we got near the bottom, I began calling Tilley. I could hear her bell, but she didn't want to come. Andrew and Dad went ahead to Dr. Cleghorn's Clinic in the work van, while I continued to call Tilley. It wasn't before I heard the sound of a bird chirping, near the sound of Tilley's bell. I followed to I found Tilley. She had found a mother bird protecting its nest. She would pretend to have a hurt wing. And when Tilley went after her she would fly away. She would then land near by and pretend the have a hurt wing again. This of coarse drove Tilley crazy, but I was finally able to catch her and we headed home.